Erics Car Care

" Due to the power outage caused by Hurricane Beryl our Medical Center location will remain closed till power is restored. Our Rice Village location is open. Customers are advised to call the Rice Village location at 713-454-7860 for updates or any service needs. We apologize for the inconvenience. "

" Due to the power outage caused by Hurricane Beryl our Medical Center location will remain closed till power is restored. Our Rice Village location is open. Customers are advised to call the Rice Village location at 713-454-7860 for updates or any service needs. We apologize for the inconvenience. "

Auto Services In Houston, Texas

Serving Med. Center And Rice Village For Over 50 Years

Properly maintaining your vehicle with routine auto services is key to your safety and preserving your car’s drivability and value. Every aspect of your car is at its maximum potential

What Clients Say
About Us

Experience the exceptional car care services provided by our experts, as proven by our loyal customers who repeatedly choose us for their automotive needs.

When Should You Schedule A Maintenance Service?

Trust our experts to guide you on scheduling your routine maintenance services at the optimal time

Periodic Maintenance

Most manufacturers recommend full service every 30,000-60,000 miles (or 3-5 years)

Performance Issues

Service the car when noticing any performance issues, such as decreased fuel efficiency, strange noises, or difficulty starting the engine

Check Engine Light

Service the car immediately when "check engine" light comes on to avoid serious, costly repairs and environmental damage

Long Trip Preparation

Service the car before a long trip to prevent breakdowns, including oil change, tire rotation, brake check, fluid level check, and general inspection

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